The Lydia Cabrera Awards

Research award of up to $5000 given to support the study of Cuba between 1492 and 1868.

Lydia Cabrera Awards are available to support the study of Cuba between 1492 and 1868. Awards are designed specifically to support:
1) original research on Cuban history in Spanish, Mexican, and U.S. archives;
2) the publication of meritorious books on Cuba currently out of print; and
3) the publication of historical statistics, historical documents, and guides to Spanish archives relating to Cuban history between 1492 and 1868.

A limited number of awards will be made annually up to a maximum of $5,000. The awards will be made by a committee appointed by the CLAH president and confirmed by the CLAH General Committee.

Applicants must be trained in Latin American history and possess knowledge of Spanish. Successful applicants will be expected to disseminate the results of their research in scholarly publications and/or professional papers delivered at scholarly conferences and public lectures at educational institutions.

Applicants for original research are to be currently engaged in graduate studies at a U. S. institution or be affiliated with a college/university faculty or accredited historical association in the United States. Each applicant should provide a two-page curriculum vita, a detailed itinerary and a budget statement, a three-page narrative description of the proposed project, and three letters of support. Republication proposals should include letter(s) of intent from a publisher.

Please send your application materials to the three committee members listed below, using the file name “LastName_Cabrera,” by June 1, 2025. Please make sure that the subject line is “Last Name – Cabrera.” The Executive Director should be informed of the committee’s decision no later than October 15, 2025. Questions may be directed to any member of the selection committee.

All applicants for the Cabrera Awards must be CLAH members. Non-members can join the CLAH here.

Cabrera Award Committee for 2025: 

Bonnie Lucero (chair)
Texas Christian University

Sara Kozameh
University of California, San Diego

Jorge Felipe-Gonzalez
University of Texas at San Antonio

Deadline to apply: June 1, 2025

Donations to the Cabrera Award fund can be made here.

To see the list of past Cabrera Award recipients and award committees, see here.

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