The Lydia Cabrera Award
Cabrera Awards are made possible by a generous bequest from Lydia Cabrera. They are available to support the study of Cuba between 1492 and 1868. Awards are designed specifically to support: 1) original research on Cuban history in Spanish, Mexican, and U. S. archives; 2) the publication of meritorious books on Cuba currently out of print; and 3) the publication of historical statistics, historical documents, and guides to Spanish archives relating to Cuban history between 1492 and 1868.
Applicants must be trained in Latin American history and possess knowledge of Spanish. Successful applicants will be expected to disseminate the results of their research in scholarly publications and/or professional papers delivered at scholarly conferences and public lectures at educational institutions. Applicants for original research are to be currently engaged in graduate studies at a U.S. institution or be affiliated with a college/university faculty or accredited historical association in the United States.
Bonnie Lucero, Texas Christian University, “Powering the Laboring Body: Beef as a Product of Primary Necessity during Colonial Cuba’s Plantation Slavery Boom, 1760s-1820s”
Dalia Griñan, Rutgers University, “Tracing Intimate Knowledge’: African Women in Nineteenth Century Urban Cuba”
No award
Sophia Kitlinski, Yale Univeristy
Daylin Pujol López, Tulane University
Oriol Regué Sendros, Johns Hopkins University, “At the Fringes of Slavery: Forced Labor, Colonial Experiments, and the Spanish Empire in Nineteenth-Century Cuba”
No applications submitted due to the COVID-2019 pandemic
Scott Doebler, Pennsylvania State University, “Creating a Connected Caribbean: Entangled Commodity Ecologies of Colonial Yucatán, Cuba, and Jamaica, 1492-1717”
David C. LaFevor, University of Texas, Arlington, “The Arguelles Affair and the Slave Ship Ciceron”
Bethany Marie Wade, University of Pittsburgh, “Cemeteries and the Social Order in the Nineteenth-Century Caribbean”
William Morgan, Lone Star College, “Tobacco and Coartación in Nineteenth-Century Cuba”
Jason Daniel, Florida International University, “Contraband, Ship Construction, and Environmental Change in Cuba under the Early Spanish Bourbons, 1700-1762”
Adriana Chira, University of Michigan, “Owning Intimacies: Slavery, Family, and Property among Afro-descendants in Santiago de Cuba, 1803-1868”
Jorge Felipe, Michigan State University, “The Origins of the Cuban-based Slave Trade: Atlantic Networks and Local Changes (1789-1820)”
Scott Cave, Pennsylvania State University, “Signals: Cross-Cultural Communication in the Spanish Atlantic Frontier, 1470-1570”
Andrés Pletch, University of Michigan, “State of Exception”
Joseph M. Clark, The Johns Hopkins University, “Regional Exchange in the Atlantic World: The Caribbean ‘Mirror Cities’ of Havana and Veracruz in the Seventeenth Century”
Sitela Alvarez, Tulane University, “The Religious and Nationalist Transformation of Cuba”
Jacqueline Kent, University of Miami, “Public Performance: Libres de Color Negotiating Equality in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Cuba, 1844-1868”
2009 (Co-Winners)
Joanna Elrick, Vanderbilt University, “Black Religions with White Faces: the Creolization of Religious Belief and Practice in Cuba, 1650-1750”
Daniel Rood, University of California, Irvine, “Industrial Epistemologies: Slavery, Technology, and Economy in the Atlantic World, 1840-1860”
Rachel Hynson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “Politicians, Physicians, and Psychopaths: Public Responses to Insanity in Cuba, 1854-1868”
2007 (Co-Winners)
Amanda Warnock, Rutgers University, “Partner and Rivals: New England, Cuba, and the Atlantic World”
Alejandro de la Fuente, University of Pittsburgh, “Slaves and the Law in Colonial Cuba”
2006 (Co-Winners)
Eric Paul, University of California, Davis, “Enlightenment Slavery: The Cuban Plantation in the Age of Revolution”
Marianne Samayoa, University of Minnesota, “Shaping Health Care in Early Nineteenth-Century Cuba”
David Wheat, Vanderbilt University,“Shouldering the Golden Age: Africans and Afrocreoles in Havana, 1580-1640”
Aisha Finch, New York University, “Junctures of Insurgency: Cuban Slaves and the Conspiracy of La Escalera, 1843-44”
Evelyn Powell Jennings, Saint Lawrence University, “State Slavery in Colonial Havana, 1763-1840”
No award (no applications received)
Michele Reid, University of Texas, Austin, “Negotiating a Slave Regime: Free People of Color in Cuba, 1844-1868”
Maria Elena Diaz, Merrill College, “Slave Emancipation and the Changing Meanings of Freedom in Cuba and Spain, 1780-1810”
Charlotte Cosner, Florida International University, “Rich and Poor, Black and White, Slave and Free: A Social History of Cuba’s Tobacco Farmers, 1763-1817”
William Van Norman, University of North Carolina, “Shade Grown Slavery: Life on a Coffee Plantation in Western Cuba,1790-1845”
Luis Martínez Fernández, Rutgers University, “Translation of Alexander von Humboldt’s “Political Essay on the Island of Cuba”
David A. Sartorius, University of North Carolina, “The Limits of Loyalty: Race and the Public Sphere in19th Century Cienfuegos”
Jane Landers, Vanderbilt University “Afro-Floridian Exiles in Cuba, 1763 and 1821″
Marikay McCabe, Columbia University, “Regulating Work, Legislating Gender: ‘Public Women’ in Nineteenth-Century Havana, Cuba”
M. Sherry Johnson, Florida International University “The Majority Were Totally Destroyed: Natural Disasters and the Course of Cuban History, 1763-1804.”
Jeffrey Voris, Emory University, “The Development of 16th Century Cuban Society”
Christopher Schmidt-Nowara, Stanford University, “Empire and Anti- Slavery: Spain, Cuba and Puerto Rico, 1833-1898″
Matt D. Childs, University of Texas, Austin, “The Aponte Conspiracy of 1812”
Joseph Carroll Dorsey, Hamilton College, “Troubled Tao: Self, Otherness, and Dissidence Among Chinese Workers in Nineteenth-Century Cuba”
Amy Ferlazzo “Vagrancy in 19th Century Cuba 1820-1868″
Alfonso Quiroz, Columbia University, “The Origins of Financial Institutions in Cuba 1840-1868″
Linda Salvucci, Trinity University, “Spanish Protectionist Policies US-Cuba Trade, 1821-1898″
Cabrera Prize Committees (Chair listed first):
2025 Bonnie Lucero, Sara Kozameh, Jorge Felipe-Gonzalez
2024 Kathleen Lopez, Marc McLeod, Michelle Chase
2023 Takkara Brunson, Aisha Finch, Fernanda Bretones Lane
2022 Takkara Brunson, Aisha Finch, Fernanda Bretones
2021 Matt Childs, Takkara Brunson, Aisha Finch
2020 Matt Childs, Mariola Espinosa, Lillian Guerra
2019 Camillia Cowling, Matt Childs, Mariola Espinosa
2018 Reinaldo Román, Mariola Espinosa, Matt Childs
2017 Alejandra Bronfman, Reinaldo Román, Camillia Cowling
2016 William Van Norman, Alejandra Bronfman, Reinaldo Román
2015 Michele Reid-Vazquez, William Van Norman, Alejandra Bronfman
2014 David Wheat, Michele Reid-Vazquez, William Van Norman
2013 Lillian Guerra, David Wheat, Michele Reid-Vasquez
2012 Joseph Dorsey, Lillian Guerra, David Wheat
2011 Christopher Schmidt Nowara, Joseph Dorsey, Lillian Guerra
2010 Jane Landers, Christopher Schmidt Nowara, Joseph Dorsey
2009 Jane Landers, Maria Elena Díaz, Christopher Schmidt Nowara
2008 Lauren (Robin) Derby, David Sartorius, Sherry Johnson
2007 Ada Ferrer, Louis Perez, Reinaldo L. Román
2006 Lynn Stoner, Juan Carlos Santamarina, Joan Casanovas
2005 Lynn Stoner, Juan Carlos Santamarina, Joan Casanovas
2004 Joan Casanovas, David Sartorius, Juan Carlos Santamaria
2003 Colin Palmer, Alejandro de la Fuente, María Elena Díaz
2002 Laird W. Bergard, Eileen Findlay, Alejandra Bronfman
2001 Lynn Stoner, Alida Metcalf, Kirwin R. Shaffer
2000 Ada Ferrer, Jane Landers, Sherry Johnson
1999 Rosalie Schwartz, Allen Kuethe, Luis Martinez-Fernandez
1998 Louis Pérez Jr., Luis Martínez-Fernández, Lynn Stoner
1997 Louis Pérez Jr., Rebecca J. Scott, Lynn Stoner
1996 Louis Pérez Jr., Rebecca J. Scott, Lynn Stoner
1995 Lous Pérez Jr., Antonio Benitez-Rojo, Robert Paquette
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