The Lewis Hanke Prize
This award was created through generous donations from students, colleagues, and family members of the late Lewis Hanke. It will be given annually to a recent Ph.D. recipient in order to conduct field research that will allow transformation of the dissertation into a book. Applicants must have completed their Ph.D. degrees in the field of Latin American history no more than four years prior to the closing date of the application.
Haley Schroer, Texas Lutheran University, “Sartorial Subversions: Appearance, Identity, and Sumptuary Legislation in the Spanish Empire”
Hannah Abrahamson, College of the Holy Cross, “Her Hands Full of Tribute: Labor and the Encomienda in Early Colonial Yucatán”
William Cohoon, Texas Christian University, “Information Empire: Environmental Social Policy and Resistance in Bourbon Peru”
Antony Keane-Dawes, University of South Carolina, “The Spirit of Opposition: Dominican Politics, Independence, and Loyalties in a Revolutionary Age”
Maria-Clara Torres Bustamante, Stony Brook University, “The Roots of an Illegal Peasant Crop: Coca in Colombia, 1950’s- 1990’s”
Andra B. Chastain, Washington State University, “Visions of Progress: The Santiago Metro and the Struggle for a Rational City”
Joseph Clark, University of Kentucky, “Veracruz and the Caribbean in the Seventeenth Century”
Natasha Varner, University of Arizona, “La Raza Cosmética: Beauty, Race, And Indigeneity in Post-Revolutionary Mexico”
Jennifer Eaglin, Ohio State University, “Sweet Fuel: The Public-Private Development of Brazil’s Ethanol Industry in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo”
Christy Thornton, Rowan University, “‘Sovereignty and Solidarity”
Honorable Mention:
Rebecca Herman, University of California, Berkeley, “‘Contesting Sovereignty”
Alexander Hidalgo, Texas Christian University “The Indian Map Trade in Colonial Oaxaca”
Enver Casimir, Marist College, “Kid Chocolate-Champion of the Patria: Sport, Race, and National Aspiration in Republican Cuba”
Zeb Tortorici, New York University, “Contra Natura: Desire, Colonialism and the Unnatural”
David Rex-Galindo, Southern Methodist University, “‘To Sin No More’: Franciscan Missionaries and the Conversion of the Hispanic World”
Honorable Mention:
Camilo Trumper, University of California, Berkeley, “‘A Ganar La Calle’: The Politics of Public Space and Public Art in Allende’s Chile”
Dana Velasco Murillo, University of California, Irvine, “Indians of the Silver City of Zacatecas, Mexico: 1546-1806”
Celso Castilho, Vanderbilt University, “The Rosario Brotherhood, Antislavery, and Public Politics in Late-Nineteenth-Century Recife”
M. Kittiya Lee, Ohio State University, “Conversing in Colony: The Brasilica and the Vulgar in Portuguese America, 1500-1759”
Ian Read, University of California, Berkeley, “Unequally Bound: The Conditions of Slave Life and Treatment in Santos County, Brazil, 1822-1888”
Thomas Rogers, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, “The Deepest Wounds: The Laboring Landscapes of Sugar in Northeastern Brazil”
Nicole Sanders, Lynchburg College, “Gender, Welfare, and the Mexican ‘Miracle’: The Politics of Modernization in Post-Revolutionary Mexico, 1937-1958”
Kristen McCleary, James Madison University, “Culture and Commerce: An Urban History of Theater in Buenos Aires, 1880-1920”
Honorable Mentions:
Cynthia Milton, Université de Montréal, “The Many Meanings of Poverty: Colonial Compacts and Social Assistance in Eighteenth-Century Quito”
Edward Osowski, Penn State University, “Saints of the Republic: Nahua Religious Obligations in Central Mexico, 1692-1810”
María Elena Martínez, University of Southern California, “The Spanish Concept of Limpieza de Sangre and the Emergence of the Race/ Class System in the Viceroyalty of New Spain”
Bianca Premo, Emory University, “Children of the Father King: Youth, Authority and Legal Minority in Colonial Lima”
Mark Healey, New York University, “Memories of Catastrophe: Rebuilding Lives after the 1944 Earthquake in San Juan, Argentina”
Lessie Jo Frazier, University of South Carolina, “Salt in the Sand: Memory and State Violence in Tarapacá Chile, 1890-Present”
Patrice Elizabeth Olsen, Stephen F. Austin State University, “Artifacts of Revolution: Architecture, Society, and Politics in Mexico City, 1920-1940”
S. Elizabeth Penry, Fordham University, “The People Are King: Modernity and Popular Sovereignty in Indigenous Rebellions of Colonial Peru”
Honorable Mentions:
Karen Racine, Valparaiso University “Imagining Independence: London’s Spanish American Community (1790-1830)”
Marc Becker, Gettysburg College, “Indian Movement and the Left in Twentieth-Century Ecuador”
Hanke Prize Committees (Chair listed first):
2025 David Wheat, Mateo Jarquín, Andra Chastain
2024 Lance Ingwersen, Gabriela Aceves, Jorell Melendez-Badillo
2023 Sarah Hines, Lance Ingwersen, Ignacio Martínez
2022 Renata Keller, Robert Saba, Elizabeth Schwall
2021 Sylvia Sellers García (chair), Heidi Scott, Javier Puente
2020 Sherwin Bryant (chair), Justin Wolfe, Karoline Cook
2019 Adam Warren, Karen Racine, Justin Castro
2018 Yuko Miki, Casey Lurtz, Ernesto Bassi
2017 Miguel La Serna, Alex Borucki, Claudia Brosseder
2016 Julia Rodríguez, Teresita Levy, Victor Uribe
2015 Stephen Lewis, Kirsten Weld, Eve Buckley
2014 Fabricio Prado, Dana Velasco Murillo, Frank Robinson
2013 Frank Guridy, Pamela Voekel, Paulina Alberto
2012 Sherry Johnson, Celso Catilho, Camilo Trumper
2011 Alejandra Osorio, Patrick Barr-Melej, Gillian MacGillivray
2010 Suzanne Austin, Juliana Barr, Diego Armus
2009 David Sheinin, Nils Jacobsen, Michelle Reid
2008 Charles Walker, Alida Metcalf, Christine Ehrick
2007 Sandra McGee Deutsch, Nicole Sanders, David Sheinin
2006 Susan Deeds, Pat McNamara, Kirsten Schultz, Stuart Voss
2005 Jeremy Adelman, Susie Porter, Samuel Brunk
2004 Matthew Restall, Stephanie Bower, Anne Rubenstein
2003 Lawrence Clayton, Adrian Bantjes, Barbara Ganson
2002 Colin Maclachlan, Richard Slatta, Amy Bushnell
2001 Richard Walter, Aline Helg, Trudy Yeager
2000 Steve Topik, Ken Mills, Kathryn Burns
1999 Fritz Schwaller, Mary Karasch, Adrian Bantjes
1998 Allen Wells, Charles J. Fleener, Camilla D. Townsend
1997 (inactive) Karen Vieira Powers
1996 Richard Graham
1995 not active
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