The Elinor Melville Prize for Latin American Environmental History

$500 is awarded biennially for the best book on Latin American Environmental History published in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese.

The Melville Prize was established in 2007 through a bequest from Elinor Melville. It carries a stipend of $500. The Melville prize is awarded for the best book in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese on Latin American Environmental History that is published anywhere during either of the two imprint years previous to the year of the award. Melville defined environmental history as “the study of the mutual influences of social and natural processes.” The prize will go to the book that best fits that definition, while also considering sound scholarship, grace of style, and importance of the scholarly contribution as criteria for the award. Normally not considered for the award are reprints or re-editions of works published previously, and works not primarily historical in aim or content. More general works of environmental history with significant Latin American content may also be considered.

1. For the 2025 Melville Prize, to be awarded in January of 2026, the Melville Prize Committee will review and judge books with imprint years 2023 and 2024.

2. CLAH members, including members of the selection committee, may  nominate books. Publishers and authors (who are current members of CLAH) may nominate their own books as well. For a book to be considered, each of the three committee members must receive a copy, either from the publisher or from another source. Books received after June 1 of the award year will not be considered. The Executive Director should be informed of the committee’s decision no later than October 15, 2025.

3. Authors are advised to consult their publishers to be certain their books have been nominated and a copy sent to each member of the Review Committee.

4. In exceptional cases, the book award committee may decide on co-winners. The co-winners will split the prize. In such cases, there would not be an honorable mention.

Note: The CLAH requires current membership for all of its prizes and awards.

Elinor Melville Prize Committee for 2025:

Emily Wakild (chair)
1910 University Drive – MS 1935
Boise, ID 83725-1935

Jennifer Eaglin
Department of History
Ohio State University
230 Annie and John Glenn Ave.
Dulles Hall 146
Columbus, OH 43210

Mikael Wolfe
62 Peter Coutts Circle
Stanford, CA 94305

Deadline for receipt of nominations: June 1, 2025

Donations to the Melville Prize fund can be made here.

To see the list of past Melville Prize recipients and prize committees, see here.

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