Officers and Committees


The Conference is governed by a Council composed of the Conference President, Vice-President, Executive Director, Past President, editors of the Hispanic American Historical Review, The Americas, and H-LatAm; and six members elected to two-year terms.

Executive Committee:
President: Alejandra Bronfman
Vice President and President-Elect: Herman Bennett
Past President: Celso Castilho
Executive Directors: Erika Denise Edwards and Christina Villarreal

Elected Members:
Mary Hicks (2024-2025)
Diana Montaño (2024-2025)
Daniela Samur (2024-2025)
Adriana Chira (2025-2026)
Ernesto Capello (2025-2026)
Haley Schroer (2025-2026)

Ex-Officio Members:

HAHR Editors: William Summerhill
The Americas Editor:
John F. Schwaller
H-LatAm Editors: Marc Becker

Standing Committees

The Conference has several standing committees, including the Nominating and Program Committees, in addition to its prize selection committees.  The Conference can also constitute special committees in order to carry out programs approved by the General Committee and/or the membership.

Nominating Committee:
Julia Sarreal (chair)
Rob Alegre
Jessica Delgado

Program Committee:
Renata Keller (2025 chair)
Jeffrey Erbig (2026 chair)
Laura Correa Ochoa

Regional/Topical Sections

In order to promote scholarship germane to their respective regions and periods, the Conference has established ten Regional Sections as well as a Teaching/Teaching Materials Sections which may be joined only by Conference members. These groups are:

Andean Studies:
Marlen Rosas, Chair
Silvia Escanilla Huerta, Secretary

Atlantic World Studies:
Ernesto Mercado-Montero, Chair
Farren Yero, Secretary

María de los Ángeles Picone, Chair
Ximena Sevilla, Secretary

Brazilian Studies:
Jennifer Eaglin, Chair
Courtney J. Campbell, Secretary

Caribbean Studies:
Joan Flores-Villalobos, Chair
Alexa Rodríguez, Secretary

Central American Studies:
Stephanie Huezo-Jefferson, Chair
Melanie Y. White, Secretary

Southern Cone Studies:
Alison Bruey, Chair
Andra B. Chastain, Secretary

Colonial Studies:
Ángela Pérez-Villa, Chair
Joseph M. H. Clark, Secretary

Gran Colombia Studies:
Yesenia Barragán, Chair
Santiago Muñoz Arbeláez, Secretary

Mexican Studies
Jorge Ramirez-Lopez, Chair
Carolina Ortega, Secretary

Teaching and Teaching Materials:
Rebekah Pite, Chair
Hannah Greenwald, Secretary